Signal 1.3.2

October 16, 2010

Signal 1.3.2 is out with two significant additions:

Support for additional Windows Mobile screen sizes

Yes, finally! WVGA, WQVGA, HVGA, and square screen devices are now properly supported. In fact, Signal should handle screens of any height so if a device manufacturer decides to add yet another resolution to the mix the app should work with it right away.

There is one downside to this support: existing skins are no longer compatible and the skin switching feature has been removed as a result. It was rarely used and would have required a major overhaul to support variable screen sizes and the generated graphics now used by the app in places. After giving it a lot of thought I decided this effort was better spent on other parts of the app.

BlackBerry 6 compatibility

BlackBerry Torch 9800

Starting with version 6 of their OS RIM’s BlackBerry Browser is powered by WebKit, the same browser engine used by Android and the iPhone. I had a chance to do some testing with a Torch 9800 and with just a couple minor tweaks Signal’s web interface is now working on it. Just enter the web access URL into the BlackBerry Browser and you’ll be able to use it to control your favorite media player.